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The most dangerous move to make on our nation’s highways

As is commonly known the most dangerous move to make on our nation’s highways is lane changing. The presence of blind spots on the side mirrors limits the visibility of the drivers. This necessitates that the drivers take their eyes off the roads that is dangerous and distractive. In addition, if the drivers do not look over their shoulders, the possibility of a collision is high due to oncoming vehicles that were not seen due to the blind spots.

It is now possible to eliminate the risk of fatal collisions while changing lanes with the latest blind spot mirrors. Aesthetically designed to match the most luxurious and expensive vehicles mirrors and smaller vehicles like motorhome mirrors, towing mirrors, and motorcycle mirrors, the adjustable spot mirrors are a necessity to make the most dangerous move while driving.

The optical design of the state of the art blind spot mirrors offer drivers an undistorted view that is 2.5 times larger than a view offered by any other similar kind of mirrors. A 360-degrees unique swivel ball enables drivers to adjust the mirror in a way that provides full focus. The mirrors are especially suitable to fit on the upper inside corner of the side mirrors, an area where normally the sky reflects.

The superior blind spot mirrors have been tested with success on the Californian freeways and European autobahn. The experiments have proved that these adjustable spot mirrors are the most superior design available currently. In addition, the lens is made with a shatterproof material that is resistant to fog and glare of the sun. The adhesive strip used to attach the mirrors is made with superior glue that is used in battlefield stitches.

Priced at a very reasonable rate, the MaxiView blind spot mirrors are an important equipment for any vehicle to eliminate blind spots that are a common accidental cause during lane changing.

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Eliminating The Blind Spot In Motorhomes

If you own a motorhome or even if you tow a trailer or camper then you know how difficult it can sometimes be to know what is traveling at the rear and side of your vehicle. There are some products on the market that have attempted to eliminate this concern and have had some very limited success. Other products have actually caused more collisions as they require much more from the driver than is practical when driving and in particularly towing.

Certainly many motorhomes are very extensive with some high tech gadgetry and innovative storage and space solutions for the traveler. However, while the interior and exterior of the motorhome is a great luxury to have, it is all fairly obsolete if the safety of driving it around is not there.

When it comes to something as simple as a lane change, the fanciest bathroom and bedroom suites inside the motorhome play little part in getting the driver and the vehicle across the lane safely. MaxiView blind spot mirrors have developed an innovative and very successful blind spot mirror that will attach to any vehicles existing side mirrors.

Using a special adhesive that has been enjoyed up until now by surgeons in complicated surgery, the MaxiView blind spot mirror will attach securely and can withstand the harshest of climatic conditions. With a unique 360 degree ball and socket swivel design they can offer clear and unobstructed view to the driver regardless of their seating position and height.
Unlike other inferior mirrors on the market that reduce the size of the reflected image, MaxiView blind spot mirrors increase the image that is reflected by up to 3 times its actual size. This gives the driver of the motorhome ample time to adjust their driving accordingly and get to their destination safely.

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Being a Safer Motorcyclist on the Road

It is surprising to know that motorcyclists on our roads are generally very experienced and are well informed as to what the rules and regulations are when travelling on the road. Motorcycles, however, are more likely to be involved in a collision than a vehicle. So, what is at fault here? Could it be the vehicle in the majority of instances are at fault or is it the motorcyclist?
It is probably easier to answer by thinking about the way that motorcycles behave on the road. Many of them are prone to high acceleration and can weave in and out of traffic with far greater ease than passenger vehicles. These are fast and streamlined machines that can get the motorcyclist where they need to be in far less time than if they were in a vehicle.

The problem is that motorcycles can be difficult for drivers to see as they can accelerate seemingly from nowhere and overtake the vehicle. This can be a problem for both the driver and the rider as they have to determine what the other will do in this situation.

Cars that have MaxiView blind spot mirrors attached to their existing side mirrors are more able to see objects and vehicles such as motorcycles looming in their blind spot. MaxiView is the world’s most adjustable stick on mirror and enlarges objects that are reflected by up to 3 times their actual size. Motorcycles can alos have MaxiView blind spot mirrors attached to their side mirrors as well to enhance their vision when on the road. It is not always the motorcycle that is driving erratically; it can also be drivers of vehicles do not check their mirrors to see the motorcyclist in the lane next to them.

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Why Using Blind Spot Mirrors on Your Motorcycle Makes You Safer on the Road

With increases in traffic on our roads today; the number of collisions that occur has increased as well. Certainly the standard and size of the roads we use today has improved, but the risk when driving on them has also increased. We all seem to know that riding a motorcycle is one of the fastest and fuel efficient modes of transport. It does not come without major risk to the rider, however. Motorcycles are one of the most unsafe vehicles on our roads simply because many motorists fail to see them on the road. One wrong move by the motorcyclist or by a motorist on the same road can easily cost a life.

One way to increase the safety of motorcyclists as well as motorists on the roads is to use blind spot mirrors.
MaxiView blind spot mirrors have been successfully trialed on motorcycles and have improved the safety of riders dramatically. Because MaxiView work in the opposite way to the standard blind spot mirrors that have been on the market up until now, they are far more effective in offering the motorcyclist plenty of time to negotiate lane changes and to recognize what objects and vehicles are in their blind spots.

Not only for the motorcycle, the MaxiView blind spot mirrors can be attached to any vehicle that has existing side mirrors. As the world’s most adjustable stick on mirror, MaxiView can highlight areas within the blind spot that the motorcyclist would have had to physically check before. This means eyes remain focused on the road ahead and looming dangers are highlighted long before they occur. Regular vehicles report the positive impact that attaching MaxiView’s blind spot mirrors have made on their motoring safety. No longer are they confronted with an irate driver or motorcyclist who is reeling from the near miss when the motorist mistakenly thought it was clear to change lanes.

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The Blind Spot – Every Motorcycles Weakness

Motorcycles; due to being narrower than cars face a big threat on our highways and roads. Sometimes they may simply be completely unseen by other vehicles or truck drivers, leaving them open for collisions. Should you be a motorcyclist you will know that you have to be extremely cautious when traveling and take particular care not to get into another drivers blind spot.
One of the most dangerous situations that you can face as a motorcyclist is getting in a lane that is about to be taken over by a car or a truck. When you get in this area you may find that the other vehicles are not able to find you in their standard side mirrors. This can expose you to great danger, and those vehicles that don’t have special blind spot mirrors attached to their vehicles cannot be relied upon to physically check if you are there in their blind spot before merging.

Simple precautions can be made when traveling. Don’t tailgate, many motorists think that they will save gas mileage by being so close to a truck as it eliminates the air resistance, but beware; you are at the same time in the driver’s blind spot. Should this driver brake suddenly gas mileage will be the least of your worries.

Secondly, don’t travel in other vehicles blind spots. Trucks have a wider dead zone, so being anywhere near it will mean more danger to you. If the truck needs to change lane he won’t see you hanging back there, so if you are passing make sure to do so quickly.

It takes two to have a collision. Keep looking at the driver’s rear view mirror if you can’t see his faces then you are in his blind spot. Placing MaxiView blind spot mirrors on your motorcycle side mirrors will enhance your vision and allow you to make adjustments should you need to for other drivers actions.

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The Pure Dangers That Lurk In Our Blind Spots

How do we combat the massive issue of trying to modify the way that we drive on our nation’s roads in order to make it a safer option for those that get behind the wheel of their vehicle? Firstly we must look at the number one leading cause of collisions on the nation’s roads. Lane changing may seem like a relatively safe task to complete for many of us. But have you ever been traveling along, minding your own business when a driver just ahead of you in the next lane decides to pull over into your lane and nearly wipe you off the road? What about when you have seen the traffic slowing ahead and decide to jump lanes and take a quick look at your mirrors and decide it’s safe, only to pull out and have the enormous honking and yelling from the driver you nearly side swiped?

This is all due to the common and often overlooked safety hazard; the blind spot. Think about the average motor vehicle on today’s roads.Every single vehicle traveling on our roads today has a blind spot.As a matter of fact buses, trucks and motorcycles all have blind spots as well. This makes for a wide-ranging number of cars on our roads that are unbelievably precarious when switching lanes.

Perhaps if you took your eyes off the road while you were commuting at around 50 miles an hour, and twisted in your seat to look over your shoulder to check your blind spot you would see just how dangerous this maneuver is for even the best of drivers. And yet this is what we teach our kids to do when they are learning how to drive. It is no wonder there are so many deaths on our roads.

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Maxi View Gets You To Your Destination Safely

When all of us set out on our motorways for our daily tasks and errands we quite often don’t think about the imminent risk that we are positioning ourselves in by merely being a driver in an automotive vehicle. This peril can be often be overlooked as driver error, but when we take a closer look it is apparent that something else is at play here.

Studies have now shown that most of the collisions on the American motorways are caused by the blind spot. Luckily Maxi View has now taken this into consideration and we are able to invest in Maxi View blind spot mirrors. These mirrors are one of the world’s most effective and adjustable mirrors that exist on the market. For a stick on mirror, they work for any driver, without penalizing the drivers’ height or seating position. One of the most fantastic uses of these blind spot mirrors is that they are easily able to be turned and adjusted at a 360 degree angle. This unique ball and socket design on the mirrors allows them to adjust to any angle.

The Maxi View blind spot mirrors are easy to apply with their unique stick on mirror design which neatly fit over your current mirrors. Maxi Veiw blind spot mirrors are designed so that they can easily fit on your current mirrors in the one space that would normally reflect the sky-therefore allowing a much better use of your cars side mirrors. This ingenious design will fit over most cars, trucks, buses and motorcyclists existing side mirrors. With the great price of only $30 a pair you can take them with you even if you later choose to change your vehicles. When traveling on roads you want to stay safe and by knowing exactly what’s in your blind spot helps you get to your destination safely.