When you’re next driving the kids to school or heading home from work, check out the side mirrors on the vehicles around you. Do they have a special blind spot mirror attached to them? Perhaps your vehicle has one? These are usually the bubble or fish eye mirrors or they come with the warning that objects are bigger than they are reflected. Blind spots are common to all vehicles regardless of it being a bus,truck car or motorcycle. The blind spot is an area that sits to the side and rear of the driver and can store an entire vehicle in there without the driver seeing them. Depending on the make and model of the vehicle will also depend on the size of the blind spot. Some of the mirrors on the market designed to fix this problem have had very little success.
The reason why they aren’t successful is because they reduce the size of the vehicle you’re hoping to miss. This seemed absurd to MaxiView blind spot mirrors and they developed a blind spot mirror to rival all. MaxiView blind spot mirrors reflect the image by up to three times the actual size. This means that the driver is able to have ample time to make a decision as to the safety of perhaps a lane change. I don’t know about you but when it comes to time allowed to make a decision I would prefer to have more than less or none!
The 360 degree fully patented ball and swivel design means that regardless of the drivers height the MaxiView blind spot mirrors are fully adjustable. In fact they guarantee that they are the most adjustable stick on mirror in the world. Now, at less than $30 a pair, wouldn’t you feel safer getting behind the wheel with a pair of MaxiView blind spot mirrors highlighting your blind spots?